
Willkommen im Shop von Wilken Zinnfiguren.

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Der komplette Katalog Wilken Zinnfiguren als PDF zum Download
Dear English speaking friends of tin-figures,
Welcome to my web-site! I should like to give you a general view of my online-shop.

To the left you will find the various departments which contain the following offers:

"30mm Flachfiguren Einzelfiguren"
Here you will find the figures from my own production, made from the moulds in my possession as well as from Martin Sauter‘s production, with whom I cooperate. The files are arranged chronologically and thematically. The figures are illustrated as drawings. When clicking on the "+"-button you will find a larger picture and more information about the article.

"30mm Flachfiguren blanke Serien"
Here you will find unpainted flats in 30 mm size from various producers. These series are scanned by me and not shown as drawings.

"30mm Flachfiguren bemalte Serien"
For these painted flats goes the same as for the unpainted ones.

"Vitrinenfiguren (flach) bis 54mm Augenhöhe"
Here you will find flats painted and unpainted in a larger size than 30 mm eye level up to 54mm size.

"Vitrinenfiguren (flach) über 54mm Augenhöhe"
These are the largest ones. The accurate size of the eye height as well as the maximum height is given under the detailed information (see + button).

Vignetten (einseitge Gravuren)
Vignetten are flats with only one side engraved. Mostly they are showing a scene, where it does not make much sense to show the reverse side.

"halbplastische Figuren blank"
These are unpainted toy-figures, deeper engraved than flats, but not really 3 dimensional. They vary in size. When clicking the + button you will find further information.

"halbplastische Figuren bemalt"
For these painted models goes the same as for the unpainted ones.

"vollplastische Figuren"
That is my offer of painted 3 dimensional figures in the 54 mm size, as long as no other size is required.

"antiquarische Druckwerke"
In addition to the figures we offer second hand literature dealing with historical themes and modelling figures.

Under detailed information (+ button) you will find the quantity of the article in stock (Lagerbestand). The models shown as drawings you can obtain as unpainted figures in whatever quantity you need (as long as the mould does not break, which may happen even when handled with great care). So just give me notice if you need more specimen than there are on stock. The scanned articles are limited to the number shown in "Lagerbestand".

Finally; I beg you to understand why I‘m not translating all the detailed descriptions of the figures. As the offers are constantly changing the effort of translating into several languages would prove too much. But I am sure you will find your way about, the dates speak for themselves and it is obvious, that "Grenadier" means "grenadier" and "Husar" means "hussar". You have probably guessed this already. And the pictures tell more than words!

When ordering you will receive an automatically created acknowledgement, but no automatically created invoice. So please wait for the invoice, which will follow as soon as possible including all banking details. If no previous agreement has been reached payment in advance is requested. When ordering from abroad pay-pal is recommended. But of course you can pay by a bank-transfer.

And now enjoy yourself exploring my sites!


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